Real Estate

In the Town of Wilton Real Estate is currently assessed at seventy percent (70%) of market value as of October 1, 2023. In the State of Connecticut all municipalities are required to conduct a revaluation every five years. In between revaluations the date of valuation (October 1, 2023) will not change however assessments may still change for a variety of reasons. The most common reason for these assessment changes are due to work being done on a property or the discovery of data that was previously missing from the field card (finished basement, remodeled kitchen, etc.). When these data changes are updated they are still valued as of October 1, 2023 until the next town wide revaluation.   The next scheduled revaluation is October 1, 2027.

It is important for property owners to review the information on their field card. Field cards can be obtained in the Assessor’s Office or online. If any discrepancies are discovered please contact the Assessor’s Office by phone at (203) 563-0121, or by email at If a recent property inspection has not been conducted by the Assessor’s Office one may be requested.

Property Inspections

Property inspections are an excellent way to ensure the accuracy of our data. Annually the Assessor’s Office, with the help of Town contractors, will conduct inspections for properties that have obtained building permits and properties that have recently sold. Random inspections may also be conducted for quality assurance purposes.

The actual process of an inspection may vary from property to property depending on the reason for the inspection. However typically the inspector will walk through the house making notes of the room counts and will measure any interior areas that cannot be measured from the exterior. They will also walk around the exterior of the house and re-measure to ensure the sketch on the field card is accurate. Depending on the size of the house, the time it takes to complete an inspection will vary.

The exact time of these inspections is typically not scheduled however if you would like to make an appointment to have your property inspected contact the Assessor’s Office by phone at (203) 563-0121, or by email at


Any property owner who is dissatisfied with their real estate assessment has the opportunity to appeal their assessment to the Board of Assessment Appeals. For more information regarding the Board of Assessment Appeals click on the Appeals tab located on the left side of this page.

Income & Expense Reports

Connecticut General Statute 12-63c requires all owners of rental real property to annually file an Income and Expense Report with the Assessor. All properties that are rented or leased, including commercial, retail, industrial, and residential properties must complete this report. If a non-residential property is partially rented and partially owner occupied this report must be filed.

Income and Expense Reports need to be received by the Assessor’s Office no later than the June 1st in order to be considered on time. Postmarks will not be accepted. Anyone who fails to file this form, files late or files an incomplete or false report with intent to defraud shall be subject to a penalty equal to 10% of the assessed value of such property. Any information related to the actual rental and operating expenses shall not be a public record and is not subject to provisions of Section 1-210 (Freedom of Information) of the Connecticut General Statutes.

An extension to file the Income and Expense Report may be granted for “Good Cause” for up to 30 days. Requests for extensions must be submitted in writing to the Assessor’s Office no later than June 1st.

For questions concerning Income and Expense Reports, please contact the Assessor’s Office by phone at (203) 563-0121, or by email at